no customs checks
no cell signal
driven there downhill -
AAA taxi driver on alcohol
from his messy suitcase
Michael reads
an early novel
by the sad king of Czech literature
Louis asks
‘why not
describe everything backwards’
& answers
‘because it’s impossible’
to dream the impossible
no souvenir cockroach
in the Franz Kafka boutique
five large Bubo owls
at the national senate
skinheads on the 18 tram
to Petřiny
Plastic People of the Universe,
proto punk 1969
cháo khi gãp,
at the local Trafika
at varying intervals
homeless people with grimy skin
rat through the same bin
in Wenceslas Square
I buy a book
Bohumil Hrabal
That is a cool kind of triple portrait poem, Pam. (And a little ekphrasic too haha, sorry.) Congratulations! on being included in Best Australian Poetry 2009 (ed Robert Adamson). It looks like a fantastic book and I will be going over it with a microscope.
hello, I see that you are talking about this book: The Sad King Of Czech Literature - Bohumil Hrabal. Do you have this book in an electronic format? I really need this one for my paper, but the problem is I live in Romania and it is very expensive for me to buy it from another country. Please email me: ipohondru.de.pe.bega@gmail.com
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