Before & After - Place Riopelle, Montréal getting all steamed up

I am currently reading poetry two or three times a day (and night) in Trois-Rivières, Québec. I will be reading in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania next weekend on Sunday, October 19th. Anyone who`ll be in Philadelphia please click here for further info.

Hotel window - en l`automne, le simulacrum est fermé pour la saison
to ``riff`` on Susan Howe, as the US poets might say.
Pam, ca semble marveilleux. J'ai rencontre Philip Hammial au festival "Anglo-French Poetry Festival" a Melbourne ce week-end, il m'a dit que tu etais au Canada. Il m'a aussi dit que c'etait probablement le meilleur festival de poesie qu'il ait vu.
Hi Ralph,
It was a busy time for poetry up there.Jill Jones has also participated (she was there last year).
Onto Philadelphia tomorrow, hence my increasing use of Anglais.
All the best,
Hello Pam,
And Les Wicks, two or three years back?
I have the advantage of you in that I'm working with a couple of young French trainees at present [my own French is very basic].
Enjoy Philadelphia.
Cheers, Ralph
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