
Read the new issue of Cordite, THE END here.

Featuring: Abdul-rahman Abdullah, Amanda Anastasi, Judy Annear, Ali Gumlliya Baker, Stuart Barnes, Javant Biarujia, Tony Birch, Faye Rosas Blanche, Ken Bolton, Neil Boyack, Rachael Briggs, Pascalle Burton, A J Carruthers, Louise Carter, Stephanie Christie, David Colmer, Jen Crawford, Hazel de Berg, Dan Disney, Linh Dinh, Laurie Duggan, Rachel Blau DuPlessis, Quinn Eades, Chris Edwards, Jacob Edwards, Anne Elvey, Michael Farrell, Toby Fitch, Caren Florance, Christopher Funkhouser, Angela Gardner, Ross Gibson, Keri Glastonbury, Phillip Hall, Philip Hammial, Natalie Harkin, Nick Harrison, Stu Hatton, Shona Hawkes, Marty Hiatt, M C Hyland, Fiona Hile, Chris Holdaway, Eddie Hopely, M C Hyland, Berni Janssen, Jill Jones, Jane Joritz-Nakagawa, Kit Kelen, Christopher Konrad, Jeanine Leane, Dorothy Lehane, Cassie Lewis, Kate Lilley, Melissa Lucashenko, Adrian Martin, David McCooey, Kate Middleton, Elizabeth Morton, Stephen Muecke, Michael Nardone, Claire Nashar, Ella O'Keefe, Yu Ouyang, Melody Paloma, Vanessa Page, Charmaine Papertalk-Green, Felicity Plunkett, Vaughan Rapatahana, Aden Rolfe, Mark Roberts, Reihana Robinson, Autumn Royal, Tracy Ryan, Philip Salom, Berndt Sellheim, Carin Smeaton, Maria Takolander, Sonny Rae Tempest, Darren Tofts, Simone Ulalka Tur, Ellen van Neerven, Paul Venzo, Ann Vickery, Divya Victor, Nachoem Wijnberg, Sarah St Vincent Welch, Samuel Wagan Watson, Chloe Wilson, Rob Wilson, Robert Wood, Maged Zaher and Magdalena Zurawski


  1. Anonymous11:33 AM

    Hi Pam.

    I enjoyed your editorial and was tickled to see a sideswipe aimed at Doctor Who in there. I wondered if you'd be interested in seeing a poem I wrote once about a time when I think the show was stronger than it is today, lamenting and reinterpreting the loss of my favourite "companion" to date: Donna Noble.

    I also liked the contents in the right hand menu of that issue of cordite: a litany of "The End / The End / The End"

    adam ford

  2. Hello Adam, Dr Who was lost to me after the David Tennant series - that's ages ago. But I did get caught up in last year's final episode because nobody has parties any more, so on that night there was nowhere to go but the lounge room. I preferred Peter Capaldi as a crazed swearing politician. Felt a bit sorry for him with the teenage drama script he had to leak out as Dr Who.
    Yes I'd like to see your poem.
    All the best,
