
The Coalcliff Days exhibition closes next Sunday so there is still some time to visit. Here are a few images from the exhibition and you can find out more about it here.

     Coalcliff living room replicated

     Movie in the living room

     Jane Zemiro watching films at the exhibition.

     Laurie Duggan making a crucial choice at the jukebox at Clifton pub.
     Excerpt from a film by Pam Brown,1980

     Space Creatures, Drawing by Micky Allan, 1981

     Laurie Duggan, Drawing by Ken Bolton, 1981


  1. Love the still of Laurie at the jukebox, Pam. Do you remember what he chose?! Wish I could catch this exhibition.

  2. Jaya, hi,
    No, I can't remember (it was over thirty years ago) but I'd imagine that it was something retro even then - maybe The Easybeats - maybe 'Wedding Ring'? I don't think Wreckless Eric was on Australian juke boxes then.

  3. Liam Ferney just sent me a poem which ends with Neil Sedaka's 'Breaking up is hard to do'... I could imagine that one!
