loose ends
In August 2010, Bob Arnold’s Vermont-based Longhouse Press published a pamphlet of six of my poems.
As Jacket magazine is now transforming into Jacket2 in Philadelphia, editor John Tranter has published a selection of accolades for the magazine in the final Sydney-based issue here. He has extracted a few paragraphs from a ‘Rolling Column’ I wrote about Jacket for the Australian Book Review a decade or so ago. You can read the complete piece here.
As I say in the column, at that time there were several co-productions planned for Jacket. In April 2001, Jacket entered into co-production with New American Writing. It was published in issue 13.
In March 2002, an overland magazine feature that I edited appeared in Jacket issue 16. Here is my introduction to the feature.
This was the first time that a co-feature appeared both online and in print (as a supplement in overland issue 166 ) and the first and last time that contributors to Jacket magazine were paid for their work, from overland magazine funds.
I have enjoyed the past six busy years working with John on Jacket magazine and, in the future, I will be continuing to contribute material to Jacket2.
Way back in time, in 1982, I was invited to give a talk on self-publishing and small presses at the inaugural Women & Arts Festival at the Seymour Centre in Sydney. On reflection, apart from computing, the use of xerox rather than offset printing, and electronic publishing, I have to ask plus ça change?
You can read the handwritten notes for the talk here.
At the Women & Arts Festival, a publisher, Pat Woolley, and I co-ordinated a hands-on workshop (in a borrowed printery at Silverwater, Sydney) teaching printing and publishing skills to women writers. Over two days we designed, printed, collated and published a large book of writing, photography and drawing. During this workshop the idea of starting a women's press was discussed, resulting, a little later, in the formation of Redress Press which was run collectively, had a huge membership and published many titles in the early 1980s.
At the offset press - publishing workshop 1982 (PB on right)
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