

In Prague recently, I had some conversations about what living in the Czech Republic is like nowadays for women, for unemployed people and for Romany gypsies. I am grateful to Bernie Higgins, Louis Armand and Vincent Farnsworth for their information and insights. Vincent provided me with a couple of web sites (in English) that publish reports of some of the many problems, especially in relation to the Romany community :
Aktualne : Czech News    and    Romea : Romanies

                                 Romany Music Festival in Prague, 2008

               A Romany house in Vitkov that was attacked by arsonists on April 18th.                     Three members of a Romany family, including a two-year old girl,
                    were badly burned.

"Enough is Enough" demonstrations are planned to occur across the Czech Republic on 3rd May 2009

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