société jamais-jamais & gleebooks present
Three Salt Poets
Reading on July 6th in Sydney

Rachel Blau DuPlessis is a United States poet-critic.The latest sections of her on-going long poem project, begun in 1986, is collected in Torques: Drafts 58-76 (Salt Publishing, 2007). In 2006, two books of essays were published: Blue Studios:Poetry and Its Cultural Work, and a second edition of the ground-breaking The Pink Guitar: Writing as Feminist Practice, both from University of Alabama Press. She teaches at Temple University, Philadelphia.

Since 1971, Pam Brown has published many books and chapbooks including Dear Deliria (Salt Publishing, 2003) which was awarded the NSW Premier’s Prize for Poetry in 2004. She has two books forthcoming - True Thoughts (Salt) in August 2008 and Authentic Local (Papertiger Media) in 2009. She is the associate editor of Jacket magazine and a contributing editor for Fulcrum.

Kate Lilley's first book of poems, Versary (Salt Publishing, 2002) won the Grace Leven Prize. Her second, Ladylike, is forthcoming from Salt. She teaches feminist and queer literary history and theory at the University of Sydney and has published widely on poetry and poetics. Her edition of Margaret Cavendish's The Blazing World (1666) is published by Penguin Classics.
Mistress of Ceremonies : Morgan Smith
Sunday 6th July
3.30pm for 4pm
gleebooks upstairs
49 Glebe Point Road
A free event
Everyone welcome
For more info visit gleebooks events
and scroll down to 6th July
Selected links for these poets:
Salt Publishing
C.A. Conrad interviews Rachel Blau du Plessis in March 2008.
Kate Lilley on Poetry international Web
Pam Brown on Poetry international Web
Maged Zaher and Pam Brown - farout_library_software (Tinfish Press, 2007)
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