
Sub heading of the day

This week's printed-in-Sydney edition of The Guardian Weekly has the headline Scramble is on for Arctic oil but perhaps it is the sub-heading that might seem perturbing to readers -

Britain and US in conflict over plan
to exploit fossil fuel below melting ice


  1. Anonymous6:50 PM

    Pam, Enjoyed the sheds history, and imagining the walk you took. Am researching 1969 and onwards a few years at the moment myself. Is this what we do when we're "older" than we were. "I was so much older then, I'm younger than that now" with thanks to Bob D.

  2. Hi Gill, Good to hear from you. If you told the story your own connections with the Tin Sheds they would be as various as my own. Sometimes whenever I'm walking to and from work through Chippendale/Darlington to Redfern Station I hear the phantoms of White Street and The Settlement whispering through the smog.
