
Friday 24th March 2006

This is nerve-wrackingly public and instant but, as it's de rigueur to have a blog these days, I've made one.
I'll use it mainly for announcements and new poems.
Next - perhaps I should tell someone that it exists ?


  1. Pam

    Let others tell the world it exists. The spider's-web of blogland is expansive & extensive. I picked this up from Jill Jones & will add your blog to my sidebar. & so on, & so on.


  2. Thanks Mark-
    I guess that's the way it works.
    Good to hear from you,

  3. Anonymous2:03 PM

    And a blog works well as a time machine too. This was a long time ago. Is it still nervewracking? I have been using my bloggy site to launch an assault on the hypocrisy and silly pretentiousness of the Australian Poetry Scene. It is tremendous fun. I don't think they have worked out who I am yet. You seem like a sensible and real person though. Do you think it will ever be possible again for someone with no education and no social networking skills, who dreads performance, to ever be a published Australian poet? Can we create a world in which success as a writer depends only on one's ability to write? Have a fantabulous day full of tiny miracles like unexpected flowers blooming.

  4. Hi Paul,

    Can you send me the url of your blog please ?
    I agree - it is like a time machine, a virtual archive.

    Yes, I do think it's possible for "someone with no education and no social networking skills, who dreads performance," to have their poems published.

    It's always a good idea to choose the appropriate venue for them though. You do that by reading the magazines & online zines & see if you like the poetry they publish - if you like it it's probably right for you. Send them a poem.

    Scuse me if you know all this - I can get a bit didactic at times.

  5. Anonymous9:11 AM

    Yes, the advice I receive is to go through the proper channels, submit to various magazines and be patient. The word 'submit' is an interesting one. I find I can only submit to appropriate authority. (Haha). Click on the link under my name here if you would like to visit my bloggedy blog or google gingatao. It would be a pleasure to have your company.
    My battles however are mostly taking place in the blogs of others, Lou waves, the Overland blog and the like.
    Thanks for taking the time to answer.

  6. Anonymous3:24 PM

    "Practicing poets need to read poetics" Oh no, please God, say it isn't true. I can't imagine anything more stultifying to the practice of poetry than spending hours wading through acres of jargon and pontificatory waffle written by academics with no sense of rhythm. Practicing poets need to read restaurant menus, graffiti, each other, bits of paper found blowing down the street,
    Hope you are having as much fun as I am, Pam. You rock!

  7. They are all over me now, Ms Brown. Suddenly I understand why there was no politics in your poetry. It's frightening. Can you get ASIO off my arse? Mandatory filtering of the internet sucks big time.

    P.S. My respect for you has not diminished one iota. But I still don't like your poetry. That's fair enough, you probably don't like mine. But one day we are gonna get pissed together, video it, and that will be monumental.
