- Advice to Readers from Barbara Maloutas
Edited by Edric Mesmer
with new work from
Monica Angle
David Appelbaum
Jeremy Balius
Pam Brown
Michael Farrell
G.N. Gabbard
Geoffrey Gatza
Anna Reckin
Jaime Robles
Lissa Wolsak
plus, the new Open Letters feature, including
- To Aisha Sasha John from J. Peter Moore
- A dialogue from the Shared Poetic License Project
- To Tim Wright from Pam Brown
- To Lauren Shufran from Rhoda Rosenfeld
- An Occasioned Poem from Terrence Chiusano
- Spin-off Wattison & Wright from Anna Reckin
- To Allen Fisher from Meredith Wattison
contact yellowedenwaldfieldATyahooDOTcom to get YELLOW FIELD #8